Monday, October 14, 2013

J.Crew Factory Sale

Monday came and went, thank goodness. I decided to start my day off by looking at J.Crew Factory during their 50% Off Everything sale (online and stores!). I had done some damage to my wallet on Friday (I decided to go shopping during my lunch break) so I told myself I would just look at the sale. 
Then I saw it.
The Jewel-Collar Oxford Shell in classic blue! I kid you not, I have been eying this for a very long time. It was so cute but I couldn't justify spending $80 on it. Then the Factory sale happened and all went right in the world! Needless to say, I cannot wait for it to arrive. It's on backorder until the 24th but I'm not complaining, as long as it's headed my way at some point!
I've already started brainstorming potential outfits with it, like the one below. 
(I'm currently obsessed with playing around on Polyvore, follow me here to see some of my other creations!)

(I also purchased this sweater in champagne and this skirt in navy. I had been wanting to add some new additions to my work wardrobe for a while!)

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