Monday, October 7, 2013

Back to Reality

I had a serious case of the Mondays today. I absolutely dreaded coming back to reality after this amazing weekend. ACL Music Festival was unlike anything I've ever seen or experienced. Eight stages, 130 groups, beautiful weather and friendly people (by the thousands), what's not to love? The atmosphere was so relaxing and I even caught a glimpse of Adrian Grenier as he walked by me!! (I was in heaven to say the least!) 
Overall, I have to say my absolute favorites were:

Eric Church
 "Springsteen" is one of my favorite country songs and being close to the stage wasn't bad either! 

They were absolutely phenomenal live!

Passion Pit
I love all of their songs and I had been dying to see them for a while.

Vampire Weekend
Just fantastic! 

Kings of Leon
I have to admit, I knew at most two of their songs but when I got home that night I downloaded all the songs they played!

 Lionel Richie
He was a great entertainer, I couldn't stop dancing the entire two hour time block he played! A huge congo line formed when he preformed "All Night Long." Amazing. 

Here are some pictures:

Muse (Day 1)

Day 2 with beautiful Austin behind us! (I'm in the red shirt!)

Passion Pit, there were an insane amount of people!

Day 3 had the most beautiful weather! (I'm in the white shirt!)

Eric Church shot gunning two beers after singing "Drink In My Hand" (Day 3)

Needless to say, I'm already looking forward to next year!

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