Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Word to the Wise

Tonight, I attended a Google Hangout Panel with Kate White (former editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan),  Stephanie Kaplan (co-founder and editor-in-chief of Her Campus), Barby Siegal (CEO of Zeno Group), Carly Heitlinger (blogger of The College Prepster...beyond excited that she was there!!) and Dan Schawbel (founder of Millenial Branding). Stephanie was the moderator of this 45-minute session and asked a series of questions to each of the panelists including interviewing tips, how to be successful during your first job and the balancing act of work and time to yourself.
I loved listening to their advice about work dress codes. No matter how casual it is, always dress to impress. Before starting my first day of work, my mom told me to always dress my best because it gives off a more professional vibe. (Moms seriously always know best!) I work in a more casual environment but I always try to look my best and I have fun with it (nothing wrong with standing out!). Plus, it gives me the confidence I need to succeed. 
I also enjoyed listening to their advice about making time for yourself either after work or on the weekends. I'm the type of person that definitely needs some "me time" after work to either go to the gym, paint my nails or catch up on my favorite blogs. I even love taking advantage of this during my lunch break. Today for example, I went outside (the cooler weather is finally kicking in down here, even if it is still 90 degress...) and started my new book, The Fault in Our Stars. I was able to get lost in a story and totally forget about everything work/stress related. (Then went back to my desk and accomplished so much!)
Overall, I really enjoyed this experience and I hope to attend another one in the very near future!

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